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We offer YEAR ROUND fly and light tackle fishing here in the lowcountry waters of South Carolina. November through February we target BIG SCHOOLS of redfish below the short grass in an exciting maze game in addition to open water schools and tall grass floaters.  The WATER CLEARS UP allowing the atmosphere and visuals to be amazing. March through November are the lowcountry's bread and butter when it comes to a unique and very visual way of catching redfish and others. FLOOD TIDES are in full swing during this time being the PREMIER symbol of the lowcountry. Other Species such as Trout, Flounder, Tarpon, Sharks, Cobia, and Triple Tail will also be possible targets during certain times of these seasons. 

All tackle and license included  |  Departure times vary based on tide  |  Two anglers max

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Call 843-452-7892 or Submit Form with ANY CREEK

A upfront payment of half the charter price is required for booking. Cancellations on the day of will result in full price

Half Day ( 4 hours )


All year long redfish are vulnerable to our deception. Half day trips provide a great option for getting on and off the water while having enough time to enjoy the rest of your day as planned. These are great for the beginning angler or someone who is just trying to fit it all in!

3/4 Day ( 6 hours )


Six hours of fishing gives us more time to target different fish and to better your odds at landing that giant! For the serious anglers, this and a full day ( 8 Hours ) , should be your go to choice. Fishing the whole tide cycle all the way through can be very effective. 

Flood Tide ( 3-4 hours )


Flood tides are some of the most exciting and energetic ways to catch redfish. Looking for them tailing in the grass is very similar to hunting and gives off the same heart stopping moment when you see that fish. A beautiful view from the bow, these tides can bring some crazy redfish behavioir.  

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